Category: Opinions

Iran’s battle strategy in Syria and its impact

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:30 A.M.) – At the start of 2013, the Syrian War was looking unfavorable for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), as a militant offensive in Aleppo cutoff the city from all government supply lines and the strategic East

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Did Israel destroy Syria’s nuclear weapons program?

Israel put an end to Syria’s alleged nuclear ambitions in 2006 when they bombed the country’s secret site near the Iraqi border. Dubbed “Operation Orchard” or “Operation Outside the Box”, Israeli F-15 and F-16 warplanes bombed an alleged nuclear site

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How important is Turkey to NATO?

US Vice President Mike Pence issued an ultimatum to Turkey earlier this week: either Ankara remains a critical NATO partner or it jeopardizes the alliance by going ahead with the purchase of Russia-built S-400 air defense systems. Mike Pence’s warning

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Did Syria really down an Israeli F-35 fighter jet?

Did a Russian anti-aircraft missile hit one of Israel’s new F-35 stealth fighters back in late 2017? Pro-Russian outlets claimed that an Israeli F-35I was hit and damaged by a Russian-made S-200 surface-to-air missile during an Israeli air strike in

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Ahmed Jahaf: Art is resistance

The Silent War in Yemen rages while many try to shed light on the situation. The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has been devastating for the civilian population by any account. Most recent estimates suggest that up to 80% of the

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